
For Immediate Release
Contact: Ed Howard, CAI Senior Counsel
February 15, 2012
San Diego, CA: The Children’s Advocacy Institute (CAI) at the University of San Diego School of Law today announced a new project entitled, “Foster Kids First: Does Press Coverage Help Foster Kids?" Facilitated by Los Angeles County Juvenile Court Presiding Judge Michael Nash’s recent Blanket Order regarding public and media attendance at Dependency Court hearings, the Project will monitor media coverage of Los Angeles dependency court matters and compare it to coverage in other counties and with historic coverage. CAI will release a report based on this monitoring which will evaluate whether children were harmed or their privacy invaded due to the Order, improvements of dependency court deliberations and results for foster children as a consequence of press coverage or access, and what public official response occurred based on press coverage, if any.
CAI works to improve the health, safety, and well being of children. In addition to an academic component, CAI engages in regulatory and legislative advocacy, impact litigation and public education in order to ensure that
children’s interests are represented effectively whenever and wherever government makes policy and
budget decisions that will impact them.